


AG Internationals

The “Science Network Potsdam Welcome Region” has been in existence since 2015. Numerous actors have come together to warmly welcome international students, scientists and scholars, hereinafter referred to as “Internationals”, to provide them with support during their stay and to recommend the cosmopolitan city of Potsdam to them.

The network is supported by the Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity of the State Capital of Potsdam – in accordance with the integration concept of the State Capital of Potsdam.

Since 2017, the working group “International Living and Encountering” has existed within the network. It developed the questionnaire and realized it together with the Statistics and Elections Department of the state capital Potsdam.

At the end of 2019 a survey on the living situation of Internationals was conducted in Potsdam. The results of the study are now publicly available here.


For more information, please Offer further information:

Magdolna Grasnick

Beauftragte für Migration und Integration der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
Büro für Chancengleichheit und Vielfalt
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 79/81
14469 Potsdam

Telephone: 0331 289-1083


Dr. Dagmar Grütte

Neues Potsdamer Toleranzedikt e. V.
Gutenbergstraße 62
14467 Potsdam

Telephone: 0173 6159911

Welcome Center Potsdam

Service point „Am Neuen Palais“
Universität Potsdam Welcome Center Potsdam
Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 8, Room 1.11
14469 Potsdam

Telephone: 0331 977 1382


Service Point „Telegrafenberg“
Wissenschaftspark „Albert Einstein“
A 34, Room 207
14473 Potsdam

Telephone: 0331 288 2326

Welcome Service | Potsdam Science Park

When you move to another country, everything is new: the language, the environment and above all the culture. The Welcome Service is your primary contact for you, your family and your employer at Potsdam Science Park. We will support you in gaining a foothold at the Potsdam Science Park and in the region as quickly as possible.

Among other things, we can advise you on finding accommodation and childcare, support you in building up your social network and help you learn the German language. All to help you learn to love Potsdam like we do!

GO:IN Innovation Center
3rd floor, room 307
Am Mühlenberg 11
14476 Potsdam

Carolin Schneider
Welcome Service & Language School
E-mail address:
Telephone: 0331 237 351 104

Tina Stavemann
Welcome Service
E-mail address:
Telephone: 0331 237 351 145

Eva Reis
Welcome Service & Guest House Max-Planck-Campus
E-mail address:
Telephone: 0331 237 351 108